Get your internship with Internezy
from companies like  

Learn your skill with industry experts and bag your internship with targeted skillset.
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Courses available from industry wide mentors with clear syllabified content

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How does it work?

You select a course of your choice

Explore our top-rated courses and finalise a package.


We find a perfect mentor based on your needs.

We find a highly skilled mentor who will help you with developing your skillset.

Get expert guidance & see notable difference

Have 1-on-1 mock interviews to get actionable feedback and improve your interview performance by many folds.


Here’s why
candidates love us

Personal Mentor

We're the only platform that assures that you get a mentor from the company of your choice

Top Mentor Community

A mentor community like none other! We bring you the best interviewers from top companies across the globe.

Quality Mock Interviews

Each session is carefully supervised by top interviewers, making us the highest rated platform for mock interviews.

24 x 7 Support

We assign a dedicated operations manager throughout the package duration for your support.

Lowest Price Guaranteed

Yup! You can check all you want. We're the lowest priced platform that assigns you a mentor transparently.

Still Have Questions?

Wondering if this is the right service for you? Or we failed to answer any of your queries on the website? Book a session with our team to get all your questions answered.

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